Creating a case with the Communications… | Communications Ombudsman
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Creating a case with the Communications Ombudsman

There are multiple ways to escalate your dispute to the Communications Ombudsman. If you require additional support, process alterations or translation services please visit our Accessibility page for more information.

Creating a case via the website

Creating a case online provides a more efficient way of communicating to us about your dispute. You'll see responses from our Dispute Resolution Executives (DRE) and your provider as they happen, receive email notifications on decisions and settlement offers (if made by the provider). 

  1. You'll first need to search for your communications provider using our search bar.
  2. Next you'll be asked if you have allowed the provider 8 weeks to resolve your dispute or have received a Deadlock Letter allowing you to escalate your dispute to us earlier. Why do I have to wait 8 weeks?
  3. Once this is confirmed you'll be redirected to our Dispute Resolution Platform, where you can start to tell us your details, provide information and supporting documents to evidence your complaint. What kind of files can I upload?
    1. NB: Some disputes are investigated outside of our Dispute Resolution Platform, we'll contact you with the relevant information if this applies to your case.
  4. Once this is submitted to us you'll need to verify your email address.
  5. Finally, you'll continue to communicate with us using the Dispute Resolution Platform (unless instructed otherwise) until a decision is reached.

Creating a case via telephone

Creating a case via telephone is similar to creating a case via the website, except our Enquiries team will create the case for you.

  1. Call us on 0330 440 1614 to get through to one of our Dispute Support Executives.
  2. We'll ask you some questions to make sure your dispute is something we can help you with
  3. Our team will input the information for you and you'll receive an email notification confirming that your case has been created.
  4. Once you've verified your email address, you'll then continue to communicate with us either through the Dispute Resolution Platform or via telephone as we work to make our decision on your case.

Phone lines are open Monday to Friday 8am until 6pm. We are closed on Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays.

03 numbers, introduced by Ofcom, are an alternative to chargeable 08 numbers such as 0845. Calls to 03 numbers cost the same as, or less than, calls to 01 and 02 prefixed numbers and are included as part of any inclusive minutes or discount package.

These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, fixed line or payphone.

Creating a case via email

Creating a case via email takes slightly longer as you'd expect, but follows the same principles as escalating a dispute via telephone.

  1. First you'll need to email us your information and details about the complaint. Information such as your communication provider's name, the name of the account holder, the account number and the date you first raised your complaint to the provider will speed up this process.
  2. We'll look at the information you've provided and decide if your dispute is something we can help you with.
  3. If we can help with your dispute, we'll invite you to provide evidence to support your case.
    This is important as it helps us to reach a fair decision. You can either email this to us as an attachment, or you can continue the process via the Dispute Resolution Platform (unless instructed otherwise).

To begin creating your case via email, you can speak to us via

Creating a case via post

We're aware that some consumers are limited by technology or simply prefer to use post as their preferred method of contact. Understandably this process takes the longest to register your dispute with us, but choosing this method has no impact on our decision time once all evidence is provided to us for consideration.

  1. To begin creating your case with us via post, you'll first need to write to us explaining the dispute with your communications provider. Information such as your provider's name, the name of the account holder, the account number and the date you first raised your complaint to the communications provider will speed up this process.
  2. We'll look at the information you've provided and decide if your dispute is something we can help you with.
  3. If we can help with your dispute, we'll invite you to provide evidence to support your case. This is important as it helps us to reach a fair decision. You can post this to us, or you can continue the process via the Dispute Resolution Platform.
  4. When we reach a decision we'll respond by post, as expected.

We recommend you send us copies of your original documentation. Originals are kept for a period of one month unless explicitly requested that they are returned during this time. Please note that we may keep them longer if they are not readable in a digital format.

Our address is: The Communications Ombudsman, P.O. Box 730, Warrington WA4 6WU

Please be polite to our colleagues

We understand that complaints can be emotive and consumers who contact us may be angry or upset. We will always do our best to help. We also have a duty of care and ask that users of our service are polite to our colleagues. We will not tolerate any communication we deem to contain abusive language. You can read more about this on our Working Together page.

Our Privacy Policy page contains full explanation on how we manage your information and our retention policies.

Ready to raise your dispute with us?